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Comparing Husbands

Posted by: Age: 40's Posted on: 30 comments
19 likes 40 views Category: Sex Stories General Tags: Wife, husband, blowjob, sex, comparing

So my wife came home one night from a girls night out with her friends about half lit and things really got interesting. She runs with a three other women all about her age and all have similar lifestyles, married, have kids, college educated career women.

SO anyways last night my wife comes in about midnight. I was laying in bed watching tv when she pretty much just rips the covers off pulls her shirt off and goes down on me with one of the most passionate blow jobs I have ever gotten. After a few minutes of this she stops gets up and goes over and starts digging in her purse. Before I could ask what she was doing she turns around with a package she is ripping open and out falls a tailors tape and she proceeds to measure my cock. I laid there in shock for a second and finally asked what are you doing and why.

It turns out that while out eating, drinking and whatever else they do, they got to talking about sex and the subject of penis size came up. Apparently none of the four women knew how big their husbands were so they all made a pact to go home and measure and report back to one another. They all left the club they were at and went to a store and all bought the exact same tape measures to use.

She is telling me this in-between sucking on my cock and measuring and fumbling for her phone in a semi drunk state. Sometime in all of this her phone goes off and it is her friend April who was the first to report. Just as soon as my wife gets done reading the text she sends one herself with the measurements that she had gotten off of me. It wasn’t long till her other friends Heather and Joanna both had also responded.

All of this is happening while she lays next to me, half naked with my cock in her hand and her phone in the other. I finally tell her she has got to finish what she started and she gets up takes the rest of her clothes off and mounts me. I immediately feel my entire length swallowed up by her very wet and warm body. She leans over and I reach around and sink a finger in her arse to which she stiffens us and starts to cum. After she comes down from that we roll over and I mount her and ride her till I explode in her with my own orgasm.

We lay there a minute catching our breath when I look over and ask how I placed in the contest. Turns out we were all pretty close to the same but in the end I ended up in second place both in length and width as Joanna’s husband was longer and Heather’s husband was thicker. As we are laying there still breathing heavy her phone goes off again. She picks it up to find that Heather had upped the game and sent a picture of her man's erection for her friends to see and with a dare for the others to do the same. My wife looks at me and says what do you think. I looked down at it and told her she would have to get it back to attention, to which she immediately slid down and took me back into her mouth. This was a real surprise cause she usually hates the taste of herself on me. After a short time I was back to full attention and she grabbed her phone snapped a pic and sent it to her friends.

We ended up having sex one more time before we finally went to sleep.



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